About the Invasion Of Oregon

oh light one up –cat_rollingp1010097


My Photo    www.stoptheinvasionoforegon.blogspot.com  this is the addressor_deport of my former site which can still be visited

Anything short of Deportation is Amnesty bee_1laughing_goof2


Update : Please don’t send comments telling me you know the immigration status of foriegn Nationals I write about here.Unless you have had their SSN reviewed through both e-verify and the FBI , you do not know if they are legal or not. Ditto for green cards. Many of the foreclosures were illegal aliens with tax numbers who defaulted. Also do you think I am going to publish a troll’s comment?

It turns out that Illegal aliens are not leaving due 740887067_sto job loss in Oregon, what they are doing  is robbing small stores and lining up for food stamps and Tanf-( cash assistance for families)

Pls get involved and  demand American jobs go to Americans, not Indian Nationals at Intel or Mexicans in the Construction  business.It is important to get involved because Reid and Congress  expect to pass Amnesty with or without our consent. www.Numbersusa.comnusa_head_smallerborder-hopper1  needs every person and phone call and donation they can obtain to stop the flagrant abuse of Power by Congress and the Corporations with the help  of the NYT  on down. The examples of crime I post here are just the tip of the iceberg . Illegal aliens that come to the US illegally dont have a problem with taking whatever they want when times get hard.


About me

Anything short of Deportation is Amnesty

If Congress functioned propertly , (and I include Clinton and Obama and Biden,) then I and others would not have spent so much time demanding the truth and ripping apart the lies concerning illegal aliens and the invasion.The New York Times , Katie Couric and Oprah are all examples of why my country is no longer a Nation of Laws and Ideals but a Nation of Greedy Liars and Thieves.
Google removed my blog of almost one year for criticizing their censorship and for unpolite remarks concerning Media Messiah Obama.





It’s been like this since 2005 ,when I began posting about the Invasion and collapse of the United States into a corrupt third world country full of illegal aliens, anchor babies and trash from the rest of the world.

I’ve about had it.
The President’s Aunt openly defies deportation orders, yet instead of doing the right thing and leaving, she files a lawsuit to stay.
Now,it turns out that half a million illegals have defied deportation orders yet it isn’t even considered important.
I tried to find the local address in Oregon to report illegal aliens, and it became a wild goose chase of calling Government agencies from the FBI to Homeland security to Ron Wyden ,none of whom knew the address. It took about two days..
Finally I yelled at a women in Oregon Homeland security that it was wrong that no one knew how to report illegal aliens and she spent the time to find the address: Unbelievable.
One woman who worked below ICE said that “They “would be furious if she told me where they worked because they don’t want anyone to know..
Well, ICE in Oregon has ignored all the polite letters I sent them. We have about half a million illegal aliens in Oregon alone and ICE has arrested maybe a dozen.
I posted on Rants and Raves, to let people know about amnesty attempts by Congress and voting records, and generally what was up.

The local media not only avoids the issue, they do a lot of cover-up, such as hiding immigration status.
The Oregonian is for illegal aliens and AMNESTY,as are Ron Wyden and David Wu.
Craigslist staff remove any articles against Ron Wyden . .This is amazing since the same staff never remove ads by mexican hookers.
Was any of it worth it? I am not sure. It seems people prefer to let this country slide into being a third world shit hole.
Why should Americans follow laws when our government refuses to enforce them?

ICE address to report illegals and their employers in Oregon
DHSImmigration and Customs

Attn: Investigations

511 NW Broadway

Portland Oregon97209

As a liberal democrat I thought that for everything wrong with the US, it was still the Gold Standard and it was a decent place to live,not anymore.

I lived under a crash house of about 36 mexican illegals and criminals and Hondurans,and found out the truth about the United States and illegal aliens. When one of the males in the crash house threatened to kill me, the Washington County Sheriff wouldn’t even take a report,(That’s how bad it is).

I began posting at Alipac in 2005 and was banned .
I have donated over a thousand dollars to alipac and numbersusa.
In just one month I ran up my phone bill to $200.00 calling corrupt senators to stop amnesty.

Over and over again, I sent faxes and called and tried to stop the horrible media white-wash of the invasion .
Even as I write this La Raza is trying to convince everyone that Legal Americans are okay about losing jobs to illegal aliens . Really?

I posted thousands of articles on the Internet , printed up flyers and handed them out to people. I was one of those who went to Senator Gordon’s office and was denied access. Glad he lost.

flies_away For three years I have attempted to break the wall of denial perpetrated by the Media about the invasion of our country.

the threats of violence simply for saying immigration laws should be followed.I was flagged off, and called every name in the book.

Lying putrid gash was what one stalker,( who went by snick @ nite ) “, LMAO, is this TRISHA, the lying putrid, gash from stoptheinvasionoforegon? The blog I visited ONCE? I left ONE comment on her LYING dumbass blog Either that or Trasha the Gasha from Stoptheinvasionoforegon would be blubbering about it on her pathetic excuse for a blog

others threatened to beat me up and break my jaw while calling me a cunt.

When Google yanked my blog, it was only another instance of how dangerous this subject is .

ps Since I have since learned that Portland used to be called Deportland back in 2000 and Asian countries were so upset that the director of ICE was removed from his position and someone who never deports anyone took his place. Google Deportland.


Fire Your Mexican Gardener.

Do not rent to Mexicans or Other Illegals. Report & Deport: 503 326 7475butterfly-061butterfly